First of all, way back in June when I redesigned my blog, I ended up with a main column that was slightly wider than the last template. That wasn't such a big problem with the text except the pictures didn't quite take up the whole width.
Well, I decided to extend all of the picture widths and also remove the borders. Much better! I plan to do this for all of my posts, but just a few at a time. I am also going through to remove broken links and proofread as well, so it will take a bit of time.
Also for recipe posts, I decided to add a "Print Friendly" button like on this Chinese Turkey Lettuce Wraps recipe, so you don't have to print the sidebar and all of the step-by-step pictures in color. I will post a tutorial for this soon!
Much better, right?
Also, for each page, I am updating the gallery pictures to not include the borders and increased the type size because it was just so small. See the before and after on my Travel page?
Lastly, on my As Featured On... page, it was just really messy. I added each feature button as I saw it posted, and it ended up being really long and disorganized looking. See how on the before picture, there was the same post featured by many blogs? Well, I split it into two columns and fixed that!
It is even better when posts are featured "out of order," because they are now grouped up.
Soooo much better! Anyways, this is just a bit of the spring cleaning that has been going on in the blogosphere, which is possibly why some things have been a bit clunky in the meantime with my posts as I clean them all up. Oh, and let me know if you find anything that is broken or missing, because it would really help!
Are you doing any spring cleaning on your blog?
Everything looks great. I definitely need to do some major spring cleaning on my blog!