Saturday Synopsis! ~ Diane's Vintage Zest!

Saturday Synopsis!

Happy weekend everyone!

There's been so much June gloom here in California lately, but I am super excited about our weekend plans!  Yes, we're back at home, but we're going to be doing some fun activities at home.  I'll leave the traveling adventures to Little Miss!

Here are last week's posts for you, in case you missed any.  :)

Saturday Synopsis!

Monday:  My first co-hosting gig with Monday Mingling!

Tuesday:  Co-hosted Take-a-Look Tuesday.  Woo!

Wednesday:  Picked some really great projects to feature.  It was tough narrowing it down to only 12!

Thursday:  My weekly update (on a Thursday) recapping some of the fun we had in Vegas!

Friday:  I was nominated for a Liebster award, so that means I passed it on to 11 of you all...

1 comment:

  1. Came from Plucky's Second thoughts. Following on Facebook and Twitter.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above


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