Challenge #5: A Simple Top!

Welcome to our first challenge of 2014!  It is a brand new year for our sewing group and if you don't know about us yet, click here to learn about Stitch Once, Rip Twice.  You'll find some general information about us, how to join, and links to our past challenges.  Fun!

For our last Mad About Plaid Challenge, we only had a few members finish projects in time for the round-up, so we decided to make things a bit easier this time.  The next assignment for our sewing group members is the...

The Rules
  1. Your simple top can be for yourself or someone else, and there's no restriction to which pattern, fabric, or style!
  2. It can be made from scratch or refashioned, just as long as you use your sewing skills!
  3. Share anything you would like on your blog or on the group's Facebook page along the way.  That includes patterns, techniques, inspiration, project ideas, problems, and in-progress pictures.
  4. Have your finished garment done and posted by March 15th either on your personal blog or on the Facebook page.  The week after the deadline, I'll put together a wrap-up post with everyone's finished garments so we can all see!

Also, if you have a blog, post the button above by grabbing the code below!

Normally, I would show a few inspiration images, but it's really not difficult to come up with a good idea for a simple top!  Instead, I will share a few collages of the patterns from my collection, plus a couple of ideas that I am kicking around right now.

I have about twelve tops in my pattern collection, half of which I definitely don't want to sew because the pattern is too intricate, or just plain ugly.  As you may remember, I have been gifted patterns in the past, which is why I still own them!  The patterns below are in my "no" pile.

 photo PatternCollage2_zpse2c76436.jpg

However, I did sew Simplicity 1699 above in this Black & White Peplum & drafted a top using Simplicity 2181 in this Ruched Polka Dot Top.

Now, moving on to what I think I will end up sewing.  I am thinking more seriously of these 6 patterns, focusing mostly on the top line.  The bottom line are all tops that I have made in the past.  Remember my racerback shirt/dress, refashioned pink portrait blouse, and black and blue top?

 photo PatternCollage1_zps37eee960.jpg

As for the fabric, I am going to go through my entire fabric stash, but I'm leaning towards the knits.  Time to break out the serger!

As always, if you are interested in joining in on the challenge, please e-mail me or visit our Facebook page to request an invitation.  For more about the group, click here.

Let's get sewing!

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