Easy Eggplant Parmesan (From the Freezer!)

I have been really nervous to post this recipe, because in actuality, it is more of a process and less of a step-by-step, from scratch recipe.  However, it is just too delicious to not share and I'm sure that you will like it!

You may think that this eggplant came from the recent trip to my favorite supermarket.  However, this is actually an eggplant from about a month ago, which I was able to use in this quick recipe using my super easy trick!

So what is my trick?  I freeze the eggplant, but not how you would expect!  It is a complete fluke how I figured it out, but I'm so glad that I did because it makes putting this dish together super quick on the day of.  In fact, it takes less than 10 minutes to whip up the entire dish after pulling the eggplant out of the freezer.  Really!

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Easy Eggplant Parmesan (from the Freezer!)

A Vintage Zest original


  • 1 large eggplant, cut into 1/3 inch-thick slices
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 2 cups bread crumbs, seasoned or homemade
  • 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1 bottle pasta sauce (or 4 cups of this homemade spicy tomato sauce)
  • 10 oz. goat cheese
  • 6 oz. fresh mozzarella, sliced into thin discs
  • Optional: Fresh basil, for garnish

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1.  Preheat oven to 350°F.

2.  Combine the bread crumbs and parmesan cheese.

3.  Coat each eggplant slice in the beaten egg and then press into the bread crumb mixture.

4.  Spread on a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes, flipping once halfway through.

5.  After it is done, let cool and then...  freeze it!  Really!
I freeze it in a single layer and then stack them up in a freezer bag for storage for a day when I don't have any time to cut veggies and prep.  However, if you want to make the recipe right away, go ahead and skip to step 7.
On the day you want to serve the eggplant parmesan, simply remove the breaded eggplant slices from the freezer and continue.

6.  Sometimes, I spread out the slices on a baking sheet and place them on the broiler for a slightly crispier texture.  You will have to pay close attention to the slices, because it takes anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to "re-crisp" depending on how much they thawed beforehand.  However, you can skip the extra step without much difference in texture.

7.  Preheat oven to 350°F.

8.  Assemble the eggplant parmesan:  Arrange half of the eggplant slices in the bottom of the baking dish.  Spread half of the sauce over the top.  Top with half of the crumbled goat cheese.  Repeat all three layers.  Top with the mozzarella slices.

9.  Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until mixture is bubbling and the cheese is melted.


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And that's it!

I'm not sure if this method makes me sound lazy or smart.  All I know is that I can have this dish in the oven within 5 minutes if I'm quick and there are hardly any dishes to do.  That's a total plus for me!  I hope you enjoy it!

What is your favorite quick recipe tip?


  1. Yummy...I love egg plant. How do you freeze it? Pinning this. Stopping by from the Instagram Blog Hop.

  2. In the post, I mentioned how I freeze it in a single layer on the baking sheet after baking and then cooling. After it has completely frozen, then I stack them up in a freezer-safe bag so it doesn't take up so much space. I hope that helps!

  3. I'm so blind. I was looking for it in your blog post and not in the directions...lol.

  4. This looks amazing! :) I found you recipe at the 504 Main and What Meegan Makes party.

  5. Hi Diane,

    I just love to have a great meal in the freezer that we can enjoy after a busy day, this looks delicious. Thank you so much for sharing this awesome post with Full Plate Thursday and have a great weekend!
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  6. Neat! I bet this would work with a lot of things like that...I'm specifically thinking of the chicken fingers recipe I'm working on!! This looks so great! I'm going to pin it and follow you-you look like you could feed a girls' eyes.

  7. Uh oh, for some reason your social media icons at the top aren't working...I don't know if just me or not...perhaps someone else can comment if they have had the same problem;)

  8. Brilliant idea freezing the prepped eggplant. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe with us on foodie friday.

  9. this dish looks mighty yummy
    come see us at http:/shopannies.blogspot.com

  10. Thanks so much for visiting and for the compliment! I hope you stick around. ;)

  11. Nice! I love homemade chicken fingers, and I haven't made them in forever. Thanks for the reminder and for following me! I hope your eyes get nice and full. :)

  12. Oh, not sure... They look like they're working now. Maybe it was a glitch at the time? Also, maybe it won't work on mobile sites like on an iPad. I've never tried!

  13. Thank you! I thought my mom was crazy when she would freeze partially prepped recipes, but I've obviously picked up that habit! :)

  14. One of my favorites! Yours looks delicious!

  15. Diane, this looks and sounds so delicious and love the idea to freeze! Thank you so much for sharing at Best of the Weekend and pinned! Hope you have a happy Friday!

  16. Thanks! Happy weekend to you! :)

  17. What a great meal. Thanks for sharing on Sweet and Savoury Sundays, stop by and share with us again this weekend! Laura@baking in pyjamas


I love to hear your comments! And putting in your two cents is always free. :)