Concrete Geometric feature & GIVEAWAY!

For today's Shop Small Saturday Showcase feature, I am super excited to share with you one of my favorites!  As you know, I love succulents and you might remember the unique planter I got at Patchwork Santa Ana a few months ago.  Well, it was from Concrete Geometric and I am happy to say that it is still as lovely as ever, the plant included.  :)  Today, I am happy to share with you even more of the beautiful creations of Concrete Geometric!

Get to know Krizia, the owner and creator of these gems, in the interview below and then make sure to stay tuned until the end of the post. Why?

Because she's having a giveaway of one of her fabulous mini hanging planters with an air plant.  Awesome!  I would be jealous, except I am already a happy owner of one of her creations.  However, the gold-painted ones are calling my name...  :)


Tell me a little bit about yourself!

Hey, I'm Krizia and I make geometric concrete goods. I’m a full time photographer and make concrete things on the side.  I’ve always kind of made things here and there.  If it wasn’t for looking up how to rig camera things for my photography, it was making something to hang on my wall.  As a kid I grew up with parents who were very d.i.y which is where I think I got that from.

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Where did the name of your store come from?

It was actually the first thing that came to mind. I wanted something that was to the point so it wouldn’t be forgotten easily.

Why did you start making goods for Concrete Geometric?

My store came from the idea of geometric shapes. I was really inspired by an artist by the name of A Common Name.  Soon after I found out about her I started folding tons of shapes.  One day I decided to figure out a way to pour concrete in.  After much trial and error I found ways to make the inside big enough to hold succulents.

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What is your favorite item?

My favorite Item is the large icosahedron and the tall vase.  The icosahedron is my favorite sacred geometry shape.  If you look at it certain ways, it changes into a cube and it's made up of triangles.  I love how dynamic it is.  My other one has to be the vase with gold.  I haven’t named it yet.

What is your most popular item?

My most popular item has to be the mini icosahedron.

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Win the mini hanging planter on the bottom right.  Cute!

Where do you get the inspiration for your work?

All around really, I look at a lot of lines around me, techniques with concrete, color.

What makes your store unique?

I think what makes my store unique is that the shapes themselves are unique. You can use them for other things not just as planters…

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What is the toughest part about making your goods/your artistic process?

The hardest would be not having enough hours in the day.  I have a 40 hour job and I freelance photo, so there’s a lot of prioritizing things.  I love working with concrete and getting my hands dirty, it feels really good to create things that your peers like.

Do you take custom orders?

I do, depending on how occupied I am and how many items are needed.  I have a few wedding inquiries where they have asked for specific colors and golds.

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Where can I see more of your work and buy a gift?

Instagram: @concretegeometric
In stores:  The Succulence in Bernal Heights, Urban Outfitters in Tallahassee, Reform School in Silverlake, Make Collective in Long Beach, Niche in Boston.  Soon to be added Crown Flora in Toronto Canada, Curator in San Francisco.

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I love so many of these creations, and in the short time since I met her, Krizia has been coming up with more unique designs almost every time I drop in on her site!

Now, are you ready to win one of your own?  Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below and please be patient because it may take some time to load.

Good luck!


  1. I like the geometric concrete succulent cacti planter a lot! thanks for the chance. a marie

  2. My favorite is the prize - mini planter with air plant. I also love the minimal centerpiece vase.

  3. I really like all of them! But I picked one its the Large Icosahedron Geometric Concrete Succulent Cacti Planter.

  4. Concrete Geometric Minimal Floral Centerpiece Vase, is my favorite.
    Barbara @

  5. I love the centerpiece vase--it's so unique!

  6. Concrete Geometric Minimal Floral Centerpiece Vase is my favourite!

  7. These are really cool. My favorite (it is a hard decision) is the
    Large Icosahedron Geometric Concrete Succulent Cacti Planter. I have many succulents myself and am always looking for new planters.

  8. I love the
    Large Icosahedron Geometric Concrete Succulent Cacti Planter

    I found out about these a few weeks ago and have been in love since! I used to live in Arizona, and it reminds me off being back there!


I love to hear your comments! And putting in your two cents is always free. :)