Blogging 101 Series & $25 Starbucks GIVEAWAY!

*Update*  Check out the latest Blogging 101 posts here:


I have a few announcements to make today!  First (and most importantly), I am starting a new series for new bloggers with little tips and tricks that I have learned along the way.  I think some of you more experienced bloggers will find some useful tidbits as well!

Blogging 101 on Diane's Vintage Zest!

How did this series come about?  Well my friend who you have seen on several posts, including my trip to London & Paris last year, is starting her own blog!  I still consider myself a blogging newbie in a lot of regards, but I have a few tips that will definitely help her out, and I just wanted to share them all with you!

Also, it may help you current bloggers to find a few more resources that you hadn't found yet.  Just like my popular Pinterest Cover Board post, I hope that you guys and gals find this useful!

Blogging 101 on Diane's Vintage Zest!

Lastly, I am revamping my other site, The Episodic Eater, and although I already redesigned it, the content will be updated soon.  I already have a few cool posts on there, such as my exclusive sneak peek of TEAVANA Oprah Chai tea, so I am a having a $25 Starbucks Gift Card giveaway to celebrate!  Head on over!

Blogging 101 on Diane's Vintage Zest!

I'm so looking forward to sharing this series!  Remember to subscribe via e-mail, Bloglovin', or Feedly so you don't miss a post.  Also, follow me on social media via Google Plus, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest while you're at it!  :)

Happy blogging!


  1. Love how you branded your Pinterest boards! It's on my list of things to do now.

  2. Thanks! Oh, and sorry about adding another thing on to your To-Do list! :)


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