Holiday Shopping: Finding the Best Wireless Unlimited Plan for My Niece!

Disclosure #ad #FamilyMobileSaves #shop #cbias

It's the time of year again!  Holiday shopping, holiday parties, holiday lists...  It can be overwhelming!  I like to break up my holiday shopping into four parts.  Make a long list of family/friends/coworkers; brainstorm for gifts; research prices; brave the crowds!  It's MUCH more manageable that way, but I still feel pressure to get the perfect gift for a few special people.  The closer I am to someone, the more I want to get a gift that knocks their socks off!  You may remember my cousin's kid (whom I'll refer to as my niece) that I teach how to sew, craft with, and take on fun outings, to give my cousin and her husband some breathing room!  I sometimes pick her up from school and both her mom and I would like to communicate last minute changes to her. Well, I came up with the perfect solution to both this problem AND what gift to get my little buddy!  With her mom's permission, I am getting my niece her first mobile phone!  I needed to conduct some extra research for the lowest price rate plan since I didn't want to stick my cousin with a ridiculously expensive monthly rate.  After looking through the options, I found an affordable yet quality smartphone plus a cell phone service from Walmart Family Mobile that will be the perfect holiday gift!  And best of all, the cost is super low even though you don't have to sign up for a year-long contract.  Score!

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When I got to Walmart, I found the exact phone and plan I wanted on this advertisment.  Perfect!

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The phone and plan that I was looking for is found in a different area than the rest of the phones...

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Bam!  Here it is!  Time to figure out how it works!

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Four easy steps!

  1. Choose a plan.
  2. Choose a phone - or use your own.
  3. Take a Starter Kit.
  4. Pay at the register - and activate at home.


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I chose the Unlimited Talk, Text & Web plan for my niece because I was getting her a web-enabled phone.  And best of all, I will pay for a couple of months for her present.  Then my cousin agreed to continue paying for the low-cost service, assuming she is responsible with her phone!

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Also, the plan is even more affordable as a family plan because you save $5 for each additional line!

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Okay, on to step 2: Choose a phone.  The phones range in super basic to really sophisticated!  Since this is her first phone, I wanted to buy her a basic phone with web capabilities.

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I bought this T-Mobile Concord phone for only $49.88 without a contract!  Such a great deal!

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Ooh, pretty!

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Step 3: Take a Starter Kit.  I only needed to get one for her single phone.

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I could have also bought extras, but my cousin can add it on later if she wants.

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Step 4: Pay at the register.

This dude was the best!  Besides agreeing to a cheesy pose for this picture (thanks!), he walked me through the entire buying process.  Actually, I was a little lost on which plan and phone would be the best.  I was a little worried that I would end up paying for a month of service from now until Christmas, but he explained that you only pay once you activate at home!

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Best of all, Walmart has the Christmas Ad Match, which I'm sure I won't need.  It's just nice to know it's there!

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I just know that she will be suuuper excited about this!  Maybe this will solidify my "best aunt" status?  There are a lot of us too!  I CANNOT wait for her to open this present.  I think I'll try to trick her by putting the phone in another box for something boring.  It'll be epic!

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Anyways, that's one present bought and about a million to go...

How is your holiday shopping going?


  1. What a great gift, I'm sure that you it was a hit with your nice and that you did solidify your "best aunt" status with it. Can't wait to see her reaction when she got the gift. #client

  2. What a great sport the employee was! Love your photos!

  3. I know, right! He took one "normal" picture and then busted this out. He was so friendly and helpful! :)

  4. Nice gifting idea! WFM is such a savings! #client

  5. It really is! We checked through the fine print compared to their current plan, and there was no comparison!


I love to hear your comments! And putting in your two cents is always free. :)