Favorite Salad "Recipe"

Unfortunately, I am feeling a bit under the weather today.  :(

Maybe it's a culmination of my travel, eating out so much this last week, or staying out in the sun too long for Mother's Day.  In any case, I had to skip the gym today, which is always a bit worrying.  It's so easy to put off the next workout for tomorrow, or the day after, and so on...

Well, at least I can eat right!

I put together one of my favorite salads ever, which I eat every day, as long as I've been a good grocery shopper and food prep-er.  Yes, I think I just made up a word.

Favorite Salad Recipe

It helps to have a tasty salad ready to go, especially when your fruit drawer looks like this...

Favorite Salad Recipe
Hmmm...  One of these things is not like the other!

Diane's Favorite Salad!
Recipe from My Guy's mom  :)


  • 4 cups Romaine, chopped
  • 1 cup Red Cabbage, chopped
  • 1/2 cup Carrots, chopped
  • 2 Tbsp. blue cheese
  • 2 Tbsp. dried cranberries
  • 1 Tbsp. French fried onions
  • Olive oil, to taste (optional)

Favorite Salad Recipe


1. Mix all ingredients together.

2. Enjoy!

Favorite Salad Recipe

Really, I have to explain why I love this salad so much.

  • It's colorful!  You know that I love eating all of the colors of the rainbow.  :)

  • The ingredients comprise a range of tastes makes the salad interesting to eat, instead of just bland and boring lettuce greens.  The saltiness of the blue cheese and french fried onions is contrasted with the sweet carrots and dried cranberries.  The crunchiness of the french fried onions is also contrasted to the crisp lettuce and cabbage and the chewy cranberries.  Each bite is a different experience!
  • I can prep my salad ingredients for a few days at a time because all of the ingredients keep well, even after being pre-cut.  It's probably obvious that I like having quick, pre-prepared items in my fridge.  :)

Favorite Salad Recipe

I'm always on the lookout for new toppings and flavor combinations, so my question to you is...

What's your favorite salad?


  1. We LOVE salad here. I am always looking for new combinations!

  2. That salad sounds delicious! I have a favorite recipe, but it's not extremely healthy. It has a lot of bacon bits and croutons in it. And don't worry about not working out--tomorrow is a new day! I skipped my plan on Sunday, only worked out for half the time I said I would yesterday, but I pushed myself to do what I planned for today. You need to feel better first!

  3. Ha! Well, my version of unhealthy croutons would be the french fried onions. :)

    I just went on a short walk to the grocery store, and that's probably all I can handle with the heat wave here! Tomorrow will have to be the day for my next workout, I suppose...

  4. Yummy! I love those fried onions!

  5. Me too! They're definitely more than a one-trick pony than as a green bean casserole topper. :)

  6. Your fruit drawer looks very similar to mine. :) Thanks for linking up at the Get Inspired Weekend Blog Party!

  7. Everything with fried onions it's A Good Thing!!!! I'm pinning it to my Easy to be Green board! Coming to visit you via the Taylor House Pinterest party!

  8. This looks yummy! Thanks so much for sharing at Krafty Inspiration Thursday!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Maria @ Krafty Cards etc.

  9. YUM!! :)
    -Brenda, ChattingOverChocolate.com

  10. I love the addition of the Blue Cheese and Cranberries.Thank you so much for sharing your awesome recipe with Full Plate
    Thursday. Hope you are having a great weekend and come back soon!

    Miz Helen

  11. Ha! It will be our little secret. :)


I love to hear your comments! And putting in your two cents is always free. :)