(Cute as a) Button Organization

(Cute as a) Button Organization on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #organizing #sewing

I knew that I would be really busy this month with work responsibilities, so I decided to share how I organize some of my sewing supplies, in case I couldn't get to any sewing.  A couple of weeks ago it was my sewing basket and for today it will be my extensive collection of buttons.
Honestly, I have an addiction which is spurred on by my trips to the swap meet and how cheap they sell them for!

(Cute as a) Button Organization on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #organizing #sewing

I suppose that my system isn't super innovative or anything, but I still wanted to share my tips.  :)

(Cute as a) Button Organization on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #organizing #sewing

What You Will Need

  • Organizing container:  First of all, you will need a box or other container.  I like using a tackle box or something similar with removable dividers.  Why?  Well, sometimes I have a few more buttons than will fit in one compartment.  See the mint green buttons below?  Well, we all know that I love that color, so I definitely bought way too many of them.  :)
  • Buttons
  • Lots of time!

(Cute as a) Button Organization on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #organizing #sewing

Now, here are my tips for organizing your own box of buttons!

* Arrange in some order you will recognize.  For me, it's easiest in order of the rainbow.

* Group multiples together.  If I have three more or of the same button (like in the picture just above), I like to separate them from the singletons.  That way it's easy to find multiples for garments that need many of the same button (hello Beignet!).

* Group unique items together.  For all of the singletons (picture below), I put them in similar tackleboxes and use a couple more rules to make it easier to find what I'm looking for.

(Cute as a) Button Organization on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #organizing #sewing

* Shorter is better.  I would suggest getting a flatter box, rather than one with narrow & tall compartments, since it can be hard to dig to the bottom of a pile of buttons to find the button you want.

* Arrange multiple buttons by size.  I have a TON of white buttons, so to make it easier I place the smaller buttons together and the larger ones together.

* Have a "miscellaneous" compartment.  For patterned buttons, I like to include them according to the primary color in the pattern.  If it can't be designated as just one color, it belongs in the "odds and ends" compartment.

This is just my way that's easiest to organize all of my buttons of different colors, shapes, and sizes.  I hope that I shared something helpful with one of you out there!

(Cute as a) Button Organization on Diane's Vintage Zest!  #organizing #sewing
My button rainbow.  :)

Have fun organizing your own button stash!

This post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you make a purchase using one of the links, a small commission will go to support Vintage Zest.  I will only recommend sites with products that I think you will love and enjoy!


  1. Great organization! I love the colors of the buttons. You could make something like this into a decoration because it looks so good!

    Julie @ This Gal Cooks

  2. I really need to organise mine a bit better. I bought a little box but soon found what you have identified as issues - too small, can't remove sections etc.

    I'll have to find myself a tackle box!

  3. I love how they look with all the colours sorted.

  4. Ohhhh... I love all your pretty colors!!!

  5. I love buttons! Yours looks so nicely organized it makes me want to clean something
    : )
    My button collection is in a couple of Mason jars.
    However, I organize my beads for jewelry making very similar to your button organization.

  6. Something I have put off and need to do. Thanks for the encouragement. enJOYed the post.

  7. This is really great organization! All my buttons are in one (or two) plastic boxes. Thanks for sharing and inspiring. Linda


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