Weekend Review: Lakers, a movie, archery, burgers, and cutting fabric!

I like the idea of wrapping up the week by summarizing my mini-adventures and project updates.

Most people look at the natural end of the week as Friday, with Wednesday as the hump day to get over.  I like Wednesdays as a reflection what happened the past weekend (it needs a couple of days to settle in), and a day to plan what happens for the next weekend!

So from now on, weekend reviews will be on Wednesday!*

*Starting next week

Here goes with my adventures from last week!

Precap (jump to):


Usually mid-week plans aren't too exciting, but this week I went to the Lakers game!  It's always fun to support the home team and have the game experience.  This time, we got there early to eat at the restaurant in the arena, and we had a fun surprise!!!

We took a picture with MAGIC JOHNSON!

Unfortunately, it's the worst picture ever.

He was so nice to take a picture with us!  He had a velvet jacket on, and it was like hugging a velvet column.  So, so tall.  I cropped both of us out of the picture, and you can still see most of him.  Sheesh!


That night, I went to the movies with my guy to see Les Miserables.  This was actually one of his choices!  Nothing to post here, I'm not a movie reviewer.  :)


We tried out archery for the first time!  I saw a deal for two, and it was really fun.  This is a view of the compound bow along with a view of our targets: bullseyes and a zombie.

Here we are taking aim side by side.

I ended the day with two bullseyes!

Then, we ate at a restaurant called Chapter One: The Modern Local because yet again, I had a deal.  The inside was really cool, and had a library & gastropub mishmash vibe.

As for food, I got the Italian burger with two kinds of cheese (including a Parmesan crisp), marinara sauce, and a portobello mushroom served with duck fat fries.

He ordered a beer flight and a meatball sub.  He was torn between the beer flight & the whisky flight, but we remedied the situation by heading back later that night to meet up with his friends!

For desert, a donut!  They call it The Dude, and it was a chocolate donut with chocolate covered espresso beans, some kind of cream, and a vodka whipped cream.  It was devoured in like two minutes flat.

Although I had previously said I was going to the Food Swap, I was tired and took a nap when we got back home.  Oops!

Like I said, we headed back later that night and didn't need to eat much because we were still stuffed from earlier.  We weren't going to eat at all actually, but since he got the whiskey flight I thought he should have something to soak it up.**  I ordered the potato pear for us to share and it was amazing!

He doesn't normally like mushrooms, but everything was gone quick!

**By the way, I was DD so don't worry!


We set aside Sunday for our travel planning.  We are going to Ireland and possibly Italy this year, and even though we couldn't decide on our second locale, we sorted out a bunch of things, such as hotels, attractions, and driving route through Ireland.

I was prepared not to do any sewing this weekend, but luckily he was distracted by the football playoffs!  Yay!

I cut patterns for 4 dresses, 1 cape, 1 top, and 1 skirt.  Yes!

Very busy weekend, but it was totally fun.  After my guy arrived at work on Monday, he texted me to say that it was one of our best weekends yet!

Now to plan a less activity-filled weekend.  :)

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