Weekend Review: LA + OC = twice as nice!

This week was another doozy!  There was a little bit of everything and bouncing between L.A. & Orange County, so I am already itching for the weekend!

I got some shopping in at the Gilt warehouse sale, went to a favorite Korean BBQ (yum!), strolled through the very pretty OC Mart Mix, saw Argo finally, ate tons of donuts, and went to the Ben Folds Five concert!

Jump to: Gilt Warehouse sale, Gen Korean BBQ, OC Mart Mix, Donut Deli, Ben Folds Five Concert

Friday - Gilt Warehouse sale

My guy wanted to go to the semi-annual Gilt warehouse sale, so we bought us a couple of tickets.  I thought I was just going to give my opinion on a few items to help him get some new stuff...  Boy was I wrong!

Now, this is not going to turn into one of those websites where I share all purchases, but a couple of these things were too cute not to share!

I love this bag's contrasting colors.  The designer is Charlotte Ronson, but it doesn't scream it everywhere like other printed bags do with the name just around the grommets.  I would like to think that Emma Pillsbury would bring this bag to work!

Next up, Kate Spade iPad covers!  They are both adorable, and a steal for $19 a piece!

Check out the polka dot lining & golden spade zipper detail.  I wish I could have gotten a better picture, but it's hard to juggle a camera and hold it open!

Some beautiful, mid-length leather gloves with buttons up the sides.  I mean seriously, how vintage retro and beautiful are these!

The event itself was interesting with a ton of people and a warehouse full of all kinds of items: shoes, bags, clothing, pet stuff, home decor, accessories, and free snacks/cocktails!  Check out some of the pictures below.

Shoes, shoes, and more shoes.
Clothing as far as the eye can see!
Accessories and cocktails, a winning combination!

Overall, we aren't sure that we do it again, although we are glad we went.  We definitely got some good deals, because it is such a crapshoot trying to find something that suits you.  Luckily we showed up early at 9pm, but we were feeling old and tired when we got home at midnight!

Saturday - Gen Korean BBQ, OC Mart & Argo

We started off a little later in the day and headed to Gen Korean BBQ.  It's one of those places where you sit down at a table and you immediately have tons of little salads and sauces.

Seriously, if I didn't know how yummy the meat was, I could fill up on all this stuff.

A mound of salad!

Check out the decor and all those range hoods!  Don't expect to be smelling like roses after you eat at this place.

Then, you order the meat.  It comes raw, in large plates and you throw it on to the grill.  There is no limit to how much you order and eat, but they will charge you for wasting and there is a 2 hour limit as if you could eat nonstop for 2 hours!  We ordered chicken, several cuts of beef, calamari, and veggies.  All the fun of cooking without that pesky chopping and cleaning to get in the way!

I like to make a sort of Korean taco, with a pickled radish "shell" and a piece of meat plus the dressed salad.  Sooo yummy!

I always leave here stuffed, and I definitely could not eat dinner afterwards.  Just delicious...

Afterwards, we needed to walk and since we were near the OC Mart, we all headed over!

My guy ordered a coffee from the Portola Coffee Lab, which is styled as a laboratory with the baristas wearing labcoats.  Unfortunately, the picture of coolest piece of equipment didn't turn out well.  :(

The outside has almost a promenade feel with gorgeous landscaping.  I just couldn't capture it well.

And of course, there's a ton of beautiful furniture stores!

Look what I found!

At the end of the night, we were pooped to do too much travel planning so we ended up watching Argo.  Fabulous movie, but it ended at almost 1 am!

Sunday - Donut Deli

Finally, a lazy day!  However, we had travel planning to do so we got a bit done.

Another "adventure" we had was the donuts from the Donut Deli.  We were eating these all weekend because I had yet another online deal so we had $20 worth of donuts to buy.  I mean, check these out!

The blueberry donut hiding in the corner!

Bacon Maple Bar

Now for the verdict:  almost all of the donuts were fabulous and worth of reordering, but I have a few notes to add.
  • Extra Amazing: Blueberry donut!  In fact, this inspired an adventure, to be blogged about tomorrow!
  • Not So Good: The cereal topped donuts were actually not crunchy at all.  A little disappointing.
  • No opinion: I heard that the Bacon Maple Bar was good, but I couldn't taste it myself (no pork), but it's popular on Yelp!

Tuesday - Ben Folds Five Concert

I rarely get to post about something on a weekday, but this was definitely bloggable.

We went to the Ben Folds Five concert at the House of Blues, and it was so good!  I got to see Ben Folds (no Five) a few years back when he opened for John Mayer and he was amazing then!  It's an amazing venue for seeing artists because you're up close and personal with them.  This review summed it all up nicely, but the gist is that it was intimate and just plain fun.

My guy is a huge fan, ever since high school, so it was definitely a fun time for him.  Just a few pictures because there are way too many.  :)

I can't believe all of the fun things I've gotten to do this week but it's absolutely exhausting!  Just standing at the concert tired us both out.

Although I've said this before, this weekend will DEFINITELY be less eventful because we absolutely need to get some travel planning done!  Whew!


  1. I love Gilt. A warehouse sale sounds fantastic. Korean BBQ sounds pretty amazing too :)

    1. It is definitely a combination of treasure hunting and practicing safe shopping (not snatching up everything in your size!).

      And I only wish the Korean BBQ showed up better in pictures, but we were ridiculously hungry. Also, it was my first time using a fancy camera in a restaurant, so I had to wing it!

      By the way, your blog is addicting!

  2. I actually flailed for both the Coffee Lab ( I am a huge chem nerd) and the donuts. Where is the donut deli?!

    1. It's in North Long Beach! They say you should either go early or preorder the bacon maple bars (and possibly blueberry donuts) because they usually run out. I was lucky because it was raining outside, so I scored the last one!

  3. That is so awesome! Love the Kate Spade covers/cases. And Ben Folds live! I am super jealous--need to cross that off my list sometime in the next 364 days!

    1. Well, even though this was technically Ben Folds Five, I've seen Ben Folds on his own when he opened for John Mayer. I think I was the only one who was there for him and him alone! And you'll be even more jealous, but I actually ran up to him after a Regina Spektor concert so I could get a picture of him and my guy. He was so nice about it too!


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