Saturday synopsis!

Nearly a month of blogging done!  Up for this weekend: a warehouse sale and lots of travel planning.

Any fun plans for anyone else out there?

Here are last week's posts, in case you missed any!

Saturday Synopsis!

Monday:  I definitely need help with this camera/photography thing.  By the way, I was corrected by my guy that his camera is not DSLR.  Oops!

Tuesday:  Sewing rewind: My red Beignet, maroon fleece coat, and green racerback shirt/dress.

Wednesday:  Time for my super-easy seasonal closet clean-out!

Thursday:  Recapping another activity & food-filled weekend.  Sports, movies, burgers, and sewing.  Who could ask for anything more!

Friday: (Non) Sewing rewind: All of the homemade non-sewn items in my sewing stash.


  1. A month of blogging done? As in, a month of posts written and in the pipeline? IMPRESSIVE!! I fantasize about being that organized and on top of things, but alas, there never seems to be enough hours in the day.

    1. Oh no no no! I'm just done with my first month of blog posts period. As you can see, I only started this 4 weeks ago and this is quite impressive that I stuck to it and always had a post for the day.

      As for having a whole month of posts done? Um, there are currently no drafts started yet, including tomorrow's... Gotta get on it!


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