Persimmons for Dessert AND Breakfast

This weekend was great!  I went out to a nice dinner on Saturday at the Ritz (complete with Hazelnut souffles and Steak Diane for the significant other).  Delectable!

Anyways, I had a bit of time on Sunday before having to rush out to go to the Sew L.A. event.  I knew I had to cook something for this week, even though I didn't have time to go shopping for more ingredients and we had to get out of the house quick!  The time limit, plus the fact that I had to use a "secret ingredient" made me feel like I was on Iron Chef.

And this week's secret ingredient was...


Before the holidays, my mom went to a farm in Porterville and brought back all kinds of fresh fruits & veggies.  She must have come back with a hundred persimmons, so I knew that I would eventually get my hands on some really ripe ones if I was patient!

Anyways, I scoured Pinterest and remembered that I had already pinned a Persimmon Spice Tea Cake from Desserts for Breakfast.  It just looked so lovely!  See?

Cake made by a professional

Mine is a bit more, uh, rustic?

And one made by an amateur...

 photo PersimmonSpiceTeaCakeTitle_zps502e197f.jpg

I didn't have another Bundt pan, so the rest became a lovely persimmon spice tea loaf!

I knew that even if I doubled the recipe I'd still have a TON of persimmons left, and I thought four cakes might be just a bit too much (especially with New Year's resolutions still fresh).

A quick search for persimmon led me to a Persimmon & Cranberry Baked Oatmeal recipe from Spoon Fork Bacon.  I had very ripe persimmons that didn't hold its shape well after mixing and I only had dried cranberries.

 photo PersimmonampCranberryOatmealBake_zps544899a2.jpg

It doesn't look great, but it tastes super yummy!

I definitely recommend both recipes, but if you're expecting strong persimmon flavor, you'll be disappointed.  The baked oatmeal may work better with less ripe fruit, so if you have mushy fruit go with the spice cake.

Next time, I'm going to try a jam recipe but for right now, I have tons of cake to devour!


  1. Rather than juice persimmons, I like to freeze them in mason jars. Cut them in half and scrape out the flesh. Leave an inch at the top for expansion. You can also freeze them whole and pull them out one by one when you need a little sweetness. I gave up sugar and only use persimmons and banana to sweeten.

    1. Thank you! Great suggestion, because although I obviously use sugar, I am trying to turn to more natural sweeteners. Someone had suggested making a confiture, but that would have required tons of sugar.

      Now, to grab the last batch of persimmons and a bunch of mason jars!

  2. I live in San Diego and have been trying to get persimmon all January...but nothing, no matter where I check! They dried up here in December and Im so sad it'll be another year now!

    1. Oh no!

      Well, I'm a bit more north than you, but I saw them all over the place in the international supermarkets I go to across LA & Orange County. The farm my mom went to was in Central California, so if the same thing happens next year take a road trip up and do some persimmon picking with the family!

      I actually have my last super, super ripe persimmons waiting for me make something out of them tomorrow. They're just too soft to eat whole now. I'll cook them in your honor!

  3. They look delish!! Thanks for linking up to The DIY'ers.

  4. Wow, I love persimmons... but never made a cake with the lovely fruit :) Spring greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  5. You should try it! It's delicious even if you don't love persimmons. :)

  6. This recipe reminds me of my Grandmother, she love Persimmons. This looks like a great recipe that we would really enjoy. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope you have a great weekend!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

  7. Oh my, I think the baked oatmeal just sounds scrumptious. Lots of things that may not be very appealing are always tasty. Diane, thanks for linking up with as always over at Inspiration in Progress. Don't you just love the endless amounts of information on Pinterest! Have a great rest of your weekend.

  8. I think it looks and sounds great.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  9. I've never had a persimmon cake, it sounds so good! Thanks for linking up with What's Cookin Wednesday!

  10. Yummy! I'd love to try one!

    Again, thanks for joining the Link Up!

  11. I am definitely a Pinterest lover!

  12. Love your persimmon recipes. Saw your link on Sewlicious Home Decor Saturday Showcase.


  13. Thanks for visiting! I hope you stick around! :)

  14. ooo, the oatmeal sounds absolutely perfect! Thanks for sharing these on Foodie Friday

  15. That looks lovely. Thanks for sharing at Sweet and Savoury Sundays, I'd love you to stop by this weekend and link up!


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